Freshwater Fish Guide – Species By Geographical Origin
Species are grouped by continent of origin as a guide to anyone interested in the geographical origin of species and for those wishing to set
Species are grouped by continent of origin as a guide to anyone interested in the geographical origin of species and for those wishing to set
Scientific name(s): Corydoras species About Corydoras catfish: Corydoras catfish (Corydoras species, also known as cories) are small, peaceful, schooling catfish. Over 200 species of Corydoras species have been described, and over
Saltwater UV Sterilizer Chart Watts Gallons 30,000µw/cm²(EOL)GP 45,000µw/cm²(EOL)GPH 60,000µw/cm²(EOL)GPH 75,000µw/cm²(EOL)GPH 90,000µw/cm²(EOL)GPH 8 70 642 428 321 256 214 15 75 700 466 350 280 233
If you own an aquarium, big or small, the idea may have crossed your mind that as much as you love your aquarium you hate
The joys of keeping fish as pets are well-known by amateur and experienced hobbyists alike. With a seemingly endless variety of species, a novice fish
Neolamprologus cylindricus Description: A long slender tan fish with thick dark brown to black barring including barring on their face and blue trim to their
Altolamprologus compressiceps photos Altolamprologus compressiceps “Red Fin” Altolamprologus compressiceps “Orange” Altolamprologus compressiceps “Gold Head”
Elodea densa “Anacharis” Scientific Name: Elodea densa Common Name: Anacharis Approximate Size: Will grow to several feet in height. pH Range: 5 – 8.4 Temperature
Yssichromis pyrrhocephalus Common name: Location and Lake collected from: Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria Approximate size: 3 inches Food: I have seen them eat flake and
Eretmodus cyanostictus Eretmodus cyanostictus from Burundi pictured. Common Names: Goby Cichlid Locations Collected From: Has a wide distribution throughout the lake. The Eretmodus cyanostictus from
Astatotilapia sp. Tricolor Fulu Common name: Unknown Location and Lake collected from: Collected on the Ugandan side of Lake Victoria. Approximate size: 4 inches is
Welcome to The Aquarium Exchange I am Ian the owner of this hobbyist site, my background in tropical fish started at a very young age growing up in the UK.
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