Rinse Your Phosphate Remover! Best Recommendations For You

Best Phosphate Remover: 3 Recommendations For Your Fish Tank

I recently changed the carbon media in my saltwater aquarium and thought I would put a bag of phosphate remover in there also. However, in my haste, I did not rinse the phosphate removal media and put it straight into my saltwater aquarium filter. There was a reaction and the bag holding the phosphate remover bubbled intensely. I have learned that this reaction is normal and is due to the phosphate removal media heating up. The correct process is to rinse the media thoroughly under fresh water prior to placing it in the saltwater aquarium. This removes the toxic dust from the media and allows for the reaction to occur. Keeping this in mind we have selected the Best Phosphate Remover For You Aquarium. You can try these to remove phosphate.

1-Best Phosphate Remover for Freshwater and Saltwater Aquariums

FIGHTS ALGAE – Reduces and prevents algae by removing their phosphate food source. The product works well!!! Works great for your aquariums and looks awesome. Works in saltwater and freshwater aquariums, reef tanks, ponds, and more

2-Best Kolar Labs GFO HC – High Capacity Bayoxide E33HC Phosphate Remover

Reduces phosphates – This product seems to work at least as well as the many different kinds of phosphate removers. Excellent product. Low dust content, great for lowering phosphates. Been using over a year now.

3-Best Seachem PhosNet Phosphate Silicate Remover Aquarium Filter Media

Works really well – Great product does remove your phosphate but just remember it’s not the cure. find the issue. Use this to bring it down and maintain your tank husbandry. The water is crystal clear thanks to a UVC filter. Nitrite and nitrate levels were hardly detectable with the JBL tests, but silicate and phosphate were significantly increased.

Now, I came home later that day and was in shock to see the majority of my corals retracted and unhappy. It appeared that my water had been contaminated by the non rinsing of my phosphate removal media. I proceeded to change around 100L of my 250L in my saltwater aquarium over the next few days. I took a sample of water to my LFS and they advised I had a spike in PH because of the reaction and that it was back on track.

In terms of damage, my saltwater aquarium took a small hit. My already struggling hammer coral was on its last legs after this and my new leather coral in my previous post, unfortunately, was slightly bleached and has lost that bright green color to its polyps. Hopefully, they come back! All my fish were fine.

I hope this saves you from making the same mistake!

Further Reading

Below are the few amazing products that will enhance your Aquarium

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