nemo, finding nemo, clownfish

What Is A Nano Tank Aquarium? – Beginner Guide 2023

What is a nano tank?

A nano tank is a micro aquarium, generally less than 10-15 gallons capacity. The nano tanks that we use are 6-gallon aquariums. Unlike larger fish tanks and aquariums, these small fish tanks fit comfortably into today’s living. We regard the nano aquarium as “living” furniture, offering you the chance to have a slice of the ocean in your home.

What’s in the nano tank?

Each nano tank is supplied complete with a glass aquarium, lighting hood, tube lighting, internal pump, heater, and thermostat. And of course, each nano tank comes complete with a slice of the ocean. That can include clownfish the stars of fish tanks, saltwater marine tank mates (such as snails, hermit crabs, mini starfish, and cleaner shrimp), live rock, and sand.

Where can I put my nano tank?

The flexible nature of our nano tank aquariums allows for various applications in your home, office, or shop. Amongst other applications, the nano tanks are ideal for placement on a console table in a hallway, in a child’s bedroom, in a living room area, or as a desktop aquarium. This is such an easy way to add cuteness to any small space!

Popular livestock for nano tank


Clownfish are the most interesting fish for a saltwater marine tank environment. Sometimes a pair of clownfish will bond and if they do, it is for life – they come across like an old married couple.

Often known as Nemo fish – the Disney movie “Finding Nemo” probably has something to do with the incredible popularity of this fish.

Clownfish have a unique way of swimming, unlike any other fish – they waddle and seem like puppy dogs when it comes to greeting you. The orange, white and black coloration of the Ocellaris clownfish is fascinating. The striking colors almost make them look hand-painted.

  • Clownfish are found associated with anemones throughout the Indo-Pacific.
  • There are 27 different species of Clownfish
  • In captivity, Clownfish live from 3-6 years, although they have been known to live up to 20 years.
  • The Ocellaris clownfish can reach a length of 3.2 inches in the wild, though aquarium specimens rarely exceed 2 inches.

Yellowtail Damselfish

The yellowtail damsel is a gorgeous colorful fish. The energizing yellow tail contrasts with its beautiful iridescent blue body. Their color looks stunning against any backdrop, particularly with corals and live rock. The Yellowtail damselfish is an excellent addition to the small nano aquarium.

Clean-up Crew

What is a clean-up crew? You can think of the clean-up crew as the janitors of your nano tank marine aquarium. The clean-up crew consists of marine snails, mini starfish, hermit crabs, and shrimp.

Turbo Snails

The turbo snail is a powerhouse that keeps live rock and aquarium glass free of algae. This peaceful snail boasts an interesting shell and is a smart addition to your aquarium clean-up crew. The turbo snail is found in holes and crevices of the reef in the Indo-Pacific ocean. It has a bumpy shell shaped like a top or turban, generally in varying earth tones including white, tan, or brown. The foot of the snail is white with fine black dots.

Blue-legged Hermit Crab

Blue legged reef Hermit Crabs are native to the Pacific reefs found bordering the USA. This crab is also known as a Dwarf Blue and Equal-Handed Hermit Crab. Their diet is limited to algae and uneaten foods. This dietary preference makes it an ideal candidate for the reef aquarium, as they will concentrate on eating filamentous algae and cyanobacteria. Hermit Crabs will spend their time climbing across live rock and the substrate in search of their next meal.

Cleaner Shrimp

Often found in groups, the Cleaner Shrimp will set up a cleaning station on coral reefs or rubble, waiting for fish to come and be cleaned. It feeds on ectoparasites or dead tissue that it picks from the body and oral cavities/gills of fish in the wild or in the aquarium. To see this wonderful creature performing its duties is a sight not to be missed. With its striking red and yellow colors, the cleaner shrimp makes a great addition to the clean-up crew in your marine fish nano tank.

Mini Starfish

Just so cute & so colorful!

Moon Jellyfish

Majestic and graceful, these creatures have always been hard to keep in an aquarium till now. With the new types of aquarium and filtration systems, they can be kept in the home environment. Being translucent the jellyfish pick up colored lighting so we provide blue led moonlight in the aquarium.

Further Reading

Below are the few amazing products that will enhance your Aquarium

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